1 Preface

If you’re here from my poster at SPSP, you’ve come to the right place! This supplement will show how we are building longitudinal multilevel models for Google Search data related to coronavirus. The first example looks at search interest in cough symptoms; the second example examines all search interest related to the topic of coronavirus, in general.

Many thanks to my talented collaborators: Andrés Gvirtz, Elisa Militaru, Fritz Götz, Tobi Ebert, and Jason Rentfrow :)

This project remains exploratory and ongoing, please contact me with any questions or ideas for collaboration you may have!

(Skip to tl;dr/Discussion)

2 Introduction

Geographical variation in macropsychological traits predicts substantial political, economic, social and health outcomes (Rentfrow et al., 2013).

  • Regional personality predicted economic resilience during the Great Recession of 2008—2009 (Obschonka et al., 2015).
  • Regional personality predicted pandemic behavior at the onset of COVID-19 (Götz et al., 2020)
  • Emerging research is also demonstrating how regional personality differences are influencing variation in COVID-19 infections and deaths (Peters et al., 2020)
  • It therefore seems reasonable that geographical differences in personality would reflect variation in coronavirus-related Internet searches.
  • Google Search data provide a aggregate measure of social thought and behavior recorded continuously over time. They can also be segmented at various geographical resolutions.

2.1 General Hypotheses

  • Regions higher in conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism will show a sharper increase in search interest for coronavirus.
  • Regions lower in agreeableness will be slower to search for coronavirus.

3 Method

3.1 Overview

  • Treat each region as an individual with repeated measurements of Internet search interest and time-invariant personality scores for N, E, O, A, C.
  • Analyze these ‘individuals’ as if they were in an intensive longitudinal design. Intensive longitudinal data analyses prioritize investigation of both intra-individual and inter-individual change.
    • Linear (and generalized!) multilevel models (MLMs) with time-invariant covariates
    • (Also known as growth curve, latent curve, or hierarchical linear modeling)
    • MLMs are super versatile: easy to customize covariance structures and nest participants within multiple groups, flexible time points
  • c.f., conventional time series analyses are much more useful for prediction, rather than explanation

3.2 Data

  1. Regional personality data were taken from the Gosling-Potter Internet Personality Project.
  2. Google Search data came from:
    • Google’s public-facing Trends website, which can be scraped with third-party R or Python packages.
      • Returns search interest scores from 0 to 100 (continuous) scaled for a specified region, time restriction, and to most popular search term in a set of provided terms. 0 represents no search interest or not enough interest to preserve privacy. N.B.: Cannot directly compare search volume across regions or search terms, only changes in search.
    • Google’s COVID-19 Symptoms Dataset (Public)
      • Returns data in same format as above, meaning search volume across regions can’t be appropriately compared. Changes over time (i.e., trends) can be compared across regions, though.
      • Can be called using BigQuery on Google Cloud Compute platform.
    • Google’s Health Trends API (Private)
      • Restricted access API that returns the estimated probability of searching a term for a given region and time restriction out of a stratified random sample all possible Google Searches, multiplied by 10 million for interpretability. Allows for comparisons of search volume across regions and time points. Differential privacy (i.e., from random sampling) slightly reduces reliability.
      • To reduce measurement error and ensure replicability, it’s necessary to collect multiple samples of interest scores for a given search term.

3.3 Worked Example: Modeling Search Interest for Cough

This example uses Google’s public COVID-19 Symptoms Dataset.

We can view the distribution of search interest scores (continuous, scaled from 0 to 100) for cough symptoms here. While the distribution isn’t zero-inflated, it’s overdispersed. For this reason, the search data for cough do not meet the normality criterion for multilevel linear modeling.

3.3.1 Predictive Power Score Analysis

We can borrow some statistical rigor from machine learning to investigate the linear and non-linear predictive relationships between search interest and personality. Using a predictive power score (PPS) framework, we fit cross-validated decision trees and their normalized evaluation metrics for every bivariate combination of regional personality and search interest variables. PPS scores are data-type agnostic, so the distribution of cough interest isn’t an issue. Notice in the matrix visualization of PPS below that search interest in cough happens to predict personality, not the other way around!

3.3.2 Visualize Search Interest for Cough Symptoms Over Time

Double-click on a state’s abbreviation (on the right) to visualize its individual growth curve for cough-related search interest.

3.3.3 Build Multilevel Models Random intercept model for quasi-poisson growth curves

  • Tests whether initial levels of search interest (intercepts) by region are significantly different from each other. (We will have to ignore this model because these cough data happen to be scaled for each individual region, but this step definitely applies to production data taken directly from Google’s Health Trends API)
m0 <- glmmPQL(search_interest ~ 1,
              random = ~ 1 | region,
              family = quasipoisson(link = 'log'),
              data = data_joined)
## iteration 1
## iteration 2
## iteration 3
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Data: data_joined 
##   AIC BIC logLik
##    NA  NA     NA
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~1 | region
##         (Intercept) Residual
## StdDev:       0.136    1.193
## Variance function:
##  Structure: fixed weights
##  Formula: ~invwt 
## Fixed effects:  search_interest ~ 1 
##             Value Std.Error    DF t-value p-value
## (Intercept) 1.598   0.01945 18615   82.16       0
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##     Min      Q1     Med      Q3     Max 
## -1.2045 -0.6772 -0.4353  0.7075  4.6908 
## Number of Observations: 18666
## Number of Groups: 51 Random intercept + slopes quasi-poisson growth curves w/ time

  • (We assume time will exert varying levels of influence on search interest among regions)
m1 <- glmmPQL(search_interest ~ date,
              random = ~ date | region,
              family = quasipoisson(link = 'log'),
              data = data_joined)
## iteration 1
## iteration 2
## iteration 3
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Data: data_joined 
##   AIC BIC logLik
##    NA  NA     NA
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~date | region
##  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
##             StdDev    Corr  
## (Intercept) 0.1208669 (Intr)
## date        0.0004323 0.09  
## Residual    0.8230224       
## Variance function:
##  Structure: fixed weights
##  Formula: ~invwt 
## Fixed effects:  search_interest ~ date 
##               Value Std.Error    DF t-value p-value
## (Intercept)  2.1348  0.017583 18614  121.42       0
## date        -0.0033  0.000066 18614  -49.49       0
##  Correlation: 
##      (Intr)
## date -0.01 
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##      Min       Q1      Med       Q3      Max 
## -1.79238 -0.72305 -0.05586  0.65527  6.60049 
## Number of Observations: 18666
## Number of Groups: 51 Random coefficient quasi-poisson growth curves

  • We add in regional personality traits as time-invariant covariates exerting influence on levels of search.
m2 <- glmmPQL(search_interest ~
                extraversion +
                agreeableness +
                conscientiousness +
                neuroticism +
                openness +
              random = ~ date | region,
              family = quasipoisson(link = 'log'),
              data = data_joined)
## iteration 1
## iteration 2
## iteration 3
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Data: data_joined 
##   AIC BIC logLik
##    NA  NA     NA
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~date | region
##  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
##             StdDev    Corr  
## (Intercept) 0.1190034 (Intr)
## date        0.0004352 0.025 
## Residual    0.8230438       
## Variance function:
##  Structure: fixed weights
##  Formula: ~invwt 
## Fixed effects:  search_interest ~ extraversion + agreeableness + conscientiousness +      neuroticism + openness + date 
##                     Value Std.Error    DF t-value p-value
## (Intercept)        2.1348    0.0173 18614  123.15  0.0000
## extraversion       0.6302    0.6891    45    0.91  0.3653
## agreeableness      0.2520    0.9125    45    0.28  0.7837
## conscientiousness  0.0151    0.9854    45    0.02  0.9878
## neuroticism        0.2089    0.5443    45    0.38  0.7029
## openness           0.4154    0.4216    45    0.99  0.3297
## date              -0.0033    0.0001 18614  -49.20  0.0000
##  Correlation: 
##                   (Intr) extrvr agrbln cnscnt nrtcsm opnnss
## extraversion      -0.001                                   
## agreeableness      0.000 -0.244                            
## conscientiousness -0.001  0.023 -0.747                     
## neuroticism        0.000  0.117 -0.026  0.308              
## openness           0.000  0.059  0.555 -0.325  0.247       
## date              -0.069  0.002 -0.001  0.002  0.000  0.000
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##      Min       Q1      Med       Q3      Max 
## -1.79073 -0.72305 -0.05492  0.65442  6.60218 
## Number of Observations: 18666
## Number of Groups: 51 Final model: Random coefficient quasi-poisson growth curves + interaction w/ time

  • We allow regional personality to interact with time, which shows how personality affects both levels and rates of search interest across regions.
m3 <- glmmPQL(search_interest ~
                (extraversion + 
                   agreeableness +
                   conscientiousness +
                   neuroticism +
                   openness) * (date),
                random = ~ date | region,
                family = quasipoisson(link = 'log'),
                data = data_joined)
## iteration 1
## iteration 2
## iteration 3
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Data: data_joined 
##   AIC BIC logLik
##    NA  NA     NA
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~date | region
##  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
##             StdDev    Corr  
## (Intercept) 0.1190490 (Intr)
## date        0.0002118 0.109 
## Residual    0.8232172       
## Variance function:
##  Structure: fixed weights
##  Formula: ~invwt 
## Fixed effects:  search_interest ~ (extraversion + agreeableness + conscientiousness +      neuroticism + openness) * (date) 
##                          Value Std.Error    DF t-value p-value
## (Intercept)             2.1347    0.0173 18609  123.10  0.0000
## extraversion            0.6100    0.6912    45    0.88  0.3822
## agreeableness           0.3463    0.9150    45    0.38  0.7069
## conscientiousness      -0.2068    0.9880    45   -0.21  0.8352
## neuroticism             0.2402    0.5458    45    0.44  0.6620
## openness                0.4978    0.4228    45    1.18  0.2452
## date                   -0.0033    0.0000 18609  -82.11  0.0000
## extraversion:date       0.0007    0.0016 18609    0.46  0.6451
## agreeableness:date     -0.0056    0.0021 18609   -2.65  0.0080
## conscientiousness:date  0.0138    0.0023 18609    6.11  0.0000
## neuroticism:date       -0.0012    0.0013 18609   -0.98  0.3265
## openness:date          -0.0047    0.0010 18609   -4.83  0.0000
##  Correlation: 
##                        (Intr) extrvr agrbln cnscnt nrtcsm opnnss date   extrv:
## extraversion           -0.001                                                 
## agreeableness           0.000 -0.244                                          
## conscientiousness      -0.001  0.023 -0.747                                   
## neuroticism             0.000  0.117 -0.025  0.308                            
## openness                0.000  0.059  0.555 -0.325  0.247                     
## date                   -0.072  0.003 -0.001  0.004  0.000  0.000              
## extraversion:date       0.003 -0.081  0.023 -0.005 -0.005 -0.002 -0.009       
## agreeableness:date     -0.001  0.023 -0.073  0.054 -0.001 -0.039  0.006 -0.258
## conscientiousness:date  0.004 -0.005  0.054 -0.068 -0.018  0.022 -0.018  0.037
## neuroticism:date        0.000 -0.006 -0.001 -0.018 -0.073 -0.021  0.000  0.108
## openness:date           0.000 -0.002 -0.039  0.022 -0.021 -0.073  0.007  0.052
##                        agrbl: cnscn: nrtcs:
## extraversion                               
## agreeableness                              
## conscientiousness                          
## neuroticism                                
## openness                                   
## date                                       
## extraversion:date                          
## agreeableness:date                         
## conscientiousness:date -0.753              
## neuroticism:date       -0.019  0.298       
## openness:date           0.552 -0.327  0.253
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##      Min       Q1      Med       Q3      Max 
## -1.79025 -0.72459 -0.05383  0.65274  6.57886 
## Number of Observations: 18666
## Number of Groups: 51

3.3.4 Visualize estimated interactions w/ time (how personality affects rate of search interest)

plot_TICs(data_joined, "search_interest") + ylim(.99, 1.02) + labs(title = "Estimated Personality Effects on Search Trends for Cough")

  • Interpretation: for every standard deviation increase in regional conscientiousness, rate of change in search interest for cough symptoms increases by an estimated factor of 1.0139.

3.3.5 Compare growth curves of search interest by state levels of conscientiousness

3.4 Other Example: Search Interest for Coronavirus

  • These data come from Google’s Health Trends API, so we are able to directly compare search volume across regions.
  • Note: For simplicity, we restrict the analysis here to the first 90 days of 2020.

3.4.1 Inspect distribution of search interest

  • It’s very zero-inflated.

3.4.2 To account for this, let’s fit quasi-poisson growth curves:

m3 <- glmmPQL(coronavirus ~
                (extraversion +
                   agreeableness +
                   conscientiousness +
                   neuroticism +
                   openness) * (date),
                random = ~ date | region,
                family = quasipoisson(link = 'log'),
                data = data_joined)
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##   Data: data_joined 
##   AIC BIC logLik
##    NA  NA     NA
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~date | region
##  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
##             StdDev        Corr  
## (Intercept)   0.000079420 (Intr)
## date          0.000002566 0     
## Residual    227.812447533       
## Variance function:
##  Structure: fixed weights
##  Formula: ~invwt 
## Fixed effects:  coronavirus ~ (extraversion + agreeableness + conscientiousness +      neuroticism + openness) * (date) 
##                         Value Std.Error   DF t-value p-value
## (Intercept)             8.885    0.0362 4584  245.66  0.0000
## extraversion           -1.434    1.3490   45   -1.06  0.2936
## agreeableness           3.693    1.7752   45    2.08  0.0432
## conscientiousness      -9.907    1.9878   45   -4.98  0.0000
## neuroticism            -3.804    1.1269   45   -3.38  0.0015
## openness                3.230    0.8463   45    3.82  0.0004
## date                    0.051    0.0005 4584  104.33  0.0000
## extraversion:date       0.018    0.0184 4584    0.96  0.3362
## agreeableness:date     -0.049    0.0242 4584   -2.01  0.0441
## conscientiousness:date  0.108    0.0270 4584    3.98  0.0001
## neuroticism:date        0.046    0.0152 4584    3.02  0.0026
## openness:date          -0.037    0.0115 4584   -3.25  0.0012
##  Correlation: 
##                        (Intr) extrvr agrbln cnscnt nrtcsm opnnss date   extrv:
## extraversion            0.016                                                 
## agreeableness          -0.031 -0.231                                          
## conscientiousness       0.100 -0.033 -0.692                                   
## neuroticism             0.062  0.070 -0.024  0.333                            
## openness               -0.068  0.034  0.556 -0.277  0.247                     
## date                   -0.972 -0.014  0.028 -0.093 -0.057  0.063              
## extraversion:date      -0.014 -0.970  0.225  0.029 -0.070 -0.034  0.013       
## agreeableness:date      0.028  0.225 -0.970  0.672  0.023 -0.538 -0.025 -0.234
## conscientiousness:date -0.092  0.029  0.675 -0.971 -0.322  0.270  0.087 -0.025
## neuroticism:date       -0.057 -0.071  0.023 -0.324 -0.972 -0.240  0.052  0.077
## openness:date           0.063 -0.034 -0.540  0.270 -0.239 -0.971 -0.059  0.037
##                        agrbl: cnscn: nrtcs:
## extraversion                               
## agreeableness                              
## conscientiousness                          
## neuroticism                                
## openness                                   
## date                                       
## extraversion:date                          
## agreeableness:date                         
## conscientiousness:date -0.699              
## neuroticism:date       -0.025  0.331       
## openness:date           0.555 -0.282  0.246
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##     Min      Q1     Med      Q3     Max 
## -2.4367 -0.5723 -0.3598  0.3298  5.0709 
## Number of Observations: 4641
## Number of Groups: 51

3.4.3 Visualization of estimated effects for search interest in coronavirus

plot_TICs(data_joined, "coronavirus")

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 tl;dr:

  • In these initial models of COVID-related Google Search trends, regional differences in personality are surprisingly important—even without controls for statistical noise and regional demographics. Aggregate conscientiousness appears to be the primary driver of coronavirus-related searches over time.
    • Possible explanation: High C regions are more diligent, dutiful about looking out for COVID-19 symptoms, guidelines, news.

4.2 Summary of Preliminary Results

  • Hypothesis 1: supported by these preliminary models. Visualization of coronavirus model shows the positive influence of C, N, and E on COVID-19-related search interest.
  • Hypothesis 2: mixed support. Low A predicts slower interest in cough symptoms but is not significantly related to coronavirus search volume in general.

4.3 Discussion of Preliminary Coronavirus Model

  • The importance of C may reflect how coronavirus searches are driven by information seeking and planning. What guidelines do I follow in terms of going out? What are the symptoms I should look out for? What are the current infection statistics?
    • However, this brings up the caveat that coronavirus search volume must also be surely driven by the small percentage of individuals or families witnessing symptoms as a result of ignoring coronavirus information.
  • Non-zero values for random effects intercept suggest there is variation among starting levels (i.e., intercepts) in search interest from region to region. Google’s Health API allows for direct comparisons of search volume.
  • Correlations between random effects are both zero in the coronavirus model, indicating that initial search interest in coronavirus and related topics isn’t associated with growth over time
  • The variance estimates for the random effect of time are smaller than the random intercept variance estimate. This suggests that differences in mean search interest in coronavirus across regions is greater than the regional differences in time’s effect on search interest.
  • The correlation structure of fixed effects might explain why agreeableness negatively impacts search interest for coronavirus (i.e., in the estimate for agreeableness:date) in this particular model. One would intuitively think that agreeable regions would be more concerned with protecting others and searching for coronavirus information. It’s moderately correlated with conscientiousness:date and all of the estimates in the model control for every other covariate.

4.4 Implications

  • Further evidence: Macropsychological traits influence aggregate behavior, particularly in times of crisis
  • Regions lower in C might need extra promotion of COVID-19 related information
  • Regions higher in C will probably show lower rates of infection and higher adherence to guidelines (we’re seeing preliminary evidence of this in the literature)

4.5 Limitations / Next Steps

  • In general, we need to examine more specific search behaviors to rule out search scenarios in which personality traits have diverging influence.
    • For example: searches related to “cough” may be popular among high C regions out of dutifulness, but also among low C regions out of carelessness.
    • Does search interest for these terms indicate compliance, or non-compliant behaviors which have led to infection?
  • Choosing a proper distribution for continuous data that’s sometimes zero-inflated. Gamma? Quasi-poisson?
    • What are the underlying assumptions of generalized multilevel models for these distributions?
  • Why does search interest more strongly predict personality in exploratory analyses rather than the other way around?
    • Could this be for certain traits only?
  • To-Do: Incorporate temporal and spatial autocorrelation in generalized MLMs
  • To-Do: Poststratify/adjust estimates by region population
  • To-Do: Incorporate additional levels of geographical resolution into the same models: counties can be nested in metro DMAs which can be nested in states